Theorizer and Theorized: An interplay of Agency
The Intervention of the Sabine Women , Jacques-Louis David Courtesy : The J. Paul Getty Museum Ken booth in his article “ Reflections of a Fallen Realist ” sets out to encounter the question of his self-perception, and its dialectical relationship with evolution of his study as an IR scholar and theorizer of strategy studies. The attempt is made to know how, contrary to conventional realist assumption, the concrete and more so “real” changes taking place “out there” in the international arena are contingent on one happening “in here”; inside the subjectivity of the individual pursuing and theorizing the given world. Booth’s academic career starts from the positivist lineage wherein “seeing is believing” and the emphasis is on the sustained and uninterrupted empirical observation of a phenomenon. Yet, the contents of the experience must be constrained and orderly in certain ways, and these ways are determined not by what is given to the senses but by the self-ac...