Black sea: the test of international norms during the war in Ukraine

Anarchy in popular culture stands and means lawlessness, complete chaos and violence, But in International relations, it simply stands for the absence of higher authority. When we say the international realm is anarchic, we mean there is no one above states that can exercise power, at least on paper there is no hierarchy between states and all states are independent and sovereign bodies. if a conflict arises between state A and state B, where state A attacks state B, state B has to defend itself or ask other states for help, but there is no higher authority to resolve the conflict or tell state A what to do. Theories such as liberalism and realism say that the international system is naturally anarchic and suggest how a state should or might act in this anarchic world, while constructivists say the reality is constructed and anarchy does not determine conflictual or cooperative behaviour and “anarchy is what states make of it”. Realists claim that the international system is anarchic, and states care only about their interests. States should not trust anyone and increase military power for their survival States are insecure about their security and interests as trusting any other state is difficult. Lack of trust means no cooperation between states. The states will compete for survival by the means of military and economic hard power, states focus on independent security and goods. Liberals also claim that the international system is anarchic, and states care only about their interests. But the difference is they believe that states will opt for cooperation as their best interest are achieved by cooperation. Liberals believe states should cooperate through liberal institutions. States should spread democratic values and peace using their soft power. States should have more mixed economies and collective goods and use international institutions to address security issues, and collective security. Constructivists say the international system is not anarchic (it is created by the state) but a socially constructed reality, perception matters and will affect the state’s actions. The state acts based on the accepted norms, self-help, and power politics. They believe that existing beliefs can be broken. Identity shapes the state and its actions. states are in a permanent process of constructing and reconstructing themselves and their relations. The Black Sea is surrounded by Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, and Georgia. The strait of Bosporus located in turkey is the only passage in and out of the Black Sea, making it strategically important. Under the 1936 Montreux convention, Turkey has full control of the strait of Bosporus, making it a key player in the Ukraine-Russia conflict. The convention also allows Turkey to close the passage for all naval warships during wartime. On February 24, 2022, Russia launched what It called a “military operation” into Ukraine. Many western countries and organisations like NATO saw this as an invasion of Ukraine and a violation of its sovereignty. Soon into the war, Ukraine requested Turkey a NATO member to block access of Russian vessels to the Black Sea. NATO’s interest lies with Ukraine. Turkey, being a NATO member denied this request and let Russian vessels pass through. Realists would say that Turkey is doing what it must to protect its interest and remain “neutral”. Turkey has good ties with Ukraine and Russia. On one hand, Turkey has a growing relationship with Russia and is dependent on Russia for its oil and gas imports. A lot of Russian tourists visit turkey adding to their GDP. It had also bought the S-400 air defence system from Russia. And on the other hand, Turkey is a member of NATO with other western nations. It is also dependent on Ukraine for its wheat imports. Turkey has a balance between both sides to protect its interest. Liberals would argue that following the Montreux convention and not blocking access (unless turkey is at war) allowed turkey to secure its interest. And Turkey has condemned the Russian “military operation” in Ukraine in the international institutions. Constructivists would argue that Turkey’s actions are due to the shift in Turkey’s foreign policy, and even though turkey is part of NATO, it is shifting away from western allies such as the USA.


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